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Three key trends

every business should be exploring in 2023
business trends

2023 is in full swing and businesses are already diving head first into smashing their goals for the next 12 months ahead. Here are our top three trends shaping the small business landscape that we think every SME should know about!

Digital transformation:

Incorporating the latest technology is essential to the future of your business

We are living in a technology focussed world now and over the last few years lots of businesses have widely adopted new technology to make their operations and customers’ lives easier.

Research by Sage found that 8 in 10 SME’s now need digital tools to start, survive and grow their business – across all sectors and parts of the UK.

Your end user wants accessibility and technology provides this, so make sure you are taking the time to invest in the latest tech both externally and internally for your employees!

This can be anything from smart, streamlined online booking systems to using AI to save time by automating and optimising routine processes and tasks.

You will be surprised how much technology can help small businesses navigate a range of challenges and opportunities – We highly recommend implementing new tech strategies in 2023!

Going green: Sustainability in 2023 is key

Climate change is a huge issue that is at the forefront of the general public. If you aren’t making noticeable changes in your everyday business, then you need to kickstart this in 2023 to stay ahead of the curve!

From implementing a recycling program, to donating items, switching to environmentally friendly suppliers or reducing your energy use, the more you do as a business – the better! Share this with your customers and celebrate small successes together.

If you already implement good practices to reduce your carbon footprint as a business, consider also sharing this on your website and with your customers so they are aware it is deeply rooted into everything you do.

What will be your next goal to continue reducing your carbon footprint?

Researching the deeper trends with sustainability in 2023 such as affordability and durability will help you spot gaps and new opportunities to grow, aswell as pleasing your customers!

Going the extra mile to provide a top-tier customer experience

This may sound like something you already know, and creating inspiring and enjoyable experiences for your customers has always been key, BUT it will become even more important in 2023 and here’s why:

Put simply, with the cost-of-living crisis, consumers are likely to think harder about where they spend their money, and who with. You will of course always have loyal customers, however this may not be enough alone to keep them coming back.

Loyalty discounts, new customer offers and other benefits are key, but thinking outside the box with your USPs may just be the key deciding factor that gets customers through your door instead of your competitors!

G&G are here to help in 2023

How will you be staying ahead of new trends that continue to make waves in 2023?

How can GGGlobal assist you ?

If you would like any guidence on how to move your business forward, GGGlobal has the necessary skillset to help you manage your business more efficiently and more profitably. if you would like some assistance, please dont hesitate to contact us.

From business planning to small loads to help support your growth, we are happy to advise and help where we can. Get in touch to start your no-obligation consultation!

How can GGGlobal assist you ?

If you would like any guidence on how to move your business forward, GGGlobal has the necessary skillset to help you manage your business more efficiently and more profitably. if you would like some assistance, please dont hesitate to contact us.

From business planning to assisting with your organisations growth, we are happy to advise and help where we can. Get in touch to start your no-obligation consultation!

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